Shooting Videos On A Budget
Photo by Jessica Aparicio Martínez

Shooting Videos On A Budget

Published on June 7, 2021

How to shoot videos on a budget

Let’s be honest shooting a video is hefty, time-consuming work. If we put it in another context, it takes a village to make a video come to life from preparation to post-production. 

To help you with that, we tried to summarize them into 5 points :

Shooting list

Have a shooting list or an outline to guide you on what shots you need to take, and always put a schedule in parallel with these two in check. It will be an easy task.  


Lighting is vital. If you are shooting outside, the best time is at dusk or dawn for excellent natural light, whereas if it’s indoors, a desk lamp, you can use a diffuser to soften the light. Lastly, you can use different light bulbs to get other light effects.


Photo by Ruben Ordoñez


Use a tripod as a Steadicam; if you have one, it’s the most efficient replacement, and it’s affordable; another prop you can use is your camera strap by putting it around your neck and stretching your arms out completely. The trick is to pull the strap tight and avoid any movements that make unnecessary shakes.

 Camera Movement 

You shouldn’t make the viewer feel like they are sitting in a boat that is constantly moving. Have your hands steady as can be, and always plan to have a shot list ready so that you don’t waste any time.

Main Key   

Use your primary key light to its maximum by using a reflector. Put it opposite to the key light; by this, you reduce shadows.

In conclusion, you can shoot videos on a budget; think out of the box; while reading this, we are sure you thought of other ways too; even if it sounds crazy, if it works for you, do it.


Photo by Miguel Angel Junquera